

Anchor Barton:

The old area destroyed by the building of Bath Street in 1810. It lay between Palmer Street and Market Place - conveniently placed for the animals sold for meat in Market Place to be killed and cut up in the abbatoirs there. Filled with rotting flesh, flies, rats and squallid hovels it was probably the foulest smelling place in old Frome. Jessica and Josh are rescued from there by Emily in Book Three.

Frome Tunnels

Not many people know… To find out more about the Frome tunnels, click here


This area beside the river was probably named after the Battle of Waterloo which ended the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte in France in 1815. However, the old houses there were gradually replaced by the expanding Singer's Brass Works. Early in this century, the empty Works were replaced - by houses! The Farley family live there.